It had the right backdrop palette of rust, green and yellow on the walls, wood floors and a high chair rail, wooden bar backdrop, stained glass wall lighting and simple suspended ceiling lighting. My photo shows an example of the dining table and chairs made of metal, wood and black seat covering. A stencil motif on canvas frames were repeated in the dining room and two framed bungalow home and floor plans art pieces were hung near the rest rooms.
A bit odd was the divider shelf between the bar area and dining room with jars of their home grown herbs and pickled items they grow out back. It wasn't visually interesting to look at. (Sorry I didn't take a picture but the diners probably wouldn't approve of my flash.) The outdoor patio wasn't open for the season yet but lacked any Craftsman style with its diagonal lattice and tin roof. The website link shows a view of it in summertime use.
It needed a little something more to make me happy. Maybe a craftsman fireplace or more pottery or art on the wall to keep my interest. If anyone wants to suggest other Arts & Crafts restaurants to check out, I'd be happy to add them to my list.
I think a menu designed by you would add a lot! Even though I haven't actually seen their menu. Or perhaps some of your framed artwork?